What's Your Word?
I read a column today with an interesting suggestion for the new year: skip the resolution, and instead select a single word that is going to be your foundation - your "theme" - for the next 12 months. This fellow said he wasn't much into the idea of resolutions (nor am I), but still wanted to provide himself with fresh focus as the year begins.
The "word" is what he came up with - and he's been following this plan for a number of years already. For him, the process of selecting the word is part of what makes it interesting. He said it's not unusual for him to try dozens on for size before he finds the one that fits like a glove; in an "aha" moment, he knows it's the right match.
He uses a variety of tactics to keep his word front of mind: everything from repeating it each morning to writing it on a post-it note and placing it somewhere he knows he'll see it each day. The point is to focus on that word and what carrying it with him for the year means - whether he wants to use it to get back on track, change paths, expand on something, confront fears, or grow in some way. Hmmm....
Though we're well into the second week of the year, I may give this a try. If you were going to do it, what would your word be? I think I may go with "trust."
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