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Too Much of a Good Thing

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

As I recall, Punxsutawney Phil said something about an early spring. Less than two weeks ago. Apparently, he wasn't referring to my neck of the woods. :)

Snow, snow, snow.

I'm not actually rooting for an early spring, since I'd like to get to Mammoth Hot Springs and the Lamar Valley at Yellowstone for a photo shoot. With snow on the ground.

That said, there has been so much snowfall of late that the roads have been too treacherous to make the run up to the Park. (Snow removal is not one of eastern Idaho's strengths.) Three times I've planned to head up, and three times I've had to pass. This morning's hoped-for departure was the latest to have been scuttled.

If I make it up there, I'll share an image or two!  

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