Through Thick and Thin
The labor statistics for October were released this morning; not too surprisingly, the unemployment rate has topped 10%. Feels like this is never ending, doesn't it? Brace yourself. It's going to be a while before the jobs outlook improves.
In my "other career," I spent ten years as an executive recruiter - and now help candidates become more marketable. So I guess you could say I've been around the block a few times when it comes to the hiring process. Employment is a lagging indicator, so jobs routinely take longer to bounce back after the economy has begun to improve.
Because this recession has been very deep and broad - and since there are all sorts of other contributing factors (like skyrocketing government debt) putting a drag on the overall situation - I'm expecting this to be a lethargic, lengthy "jobless recovery."
I'm sure you know people who have taken a hit due to the economy. Maybe it's you or someone in your immediate family. I read something the other day that struck a chord given the tough times so may are facing and thought it worth sharing. The writer was one of those who has been seriously impacted financially.
Still, he said that in spite of what he's lost, he's fully aware of how much he has. How true. It's a great reminder given the state of the job market - and even more timely since we're just a few weeks away from Thanksgiving.
God is there, and he'll stick with us...through thick and thin.
Hang in there. Wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving.
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