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Surreal Beginnings

Photographing the landscape can at times be frustrating as one waits for conditions that are conducive to making the shot. For example, this summer the skies over southeastern New Hampshire have been fairly devoid of interesting clouds. Until a few weeks ago, nice cumulus clouds punctuating the sky like so many cotton balls were a sight unseen. Finally they arrived, and opportunities to make some of the shots I had in mind developed. Patience...

Another thing that doesn't happen all that often here are colorful beginnings to the day over the ocean. If you're a regular reader of this blog, you already know all about that! After two months of not much going on in the way of color at daybreak, I hit paydirt with two consecutive mornings of painted skies in the last week. Amazing!

One of those days, the colors were so otherworldly that they don't look real. Check out the backdrop below against which some lobster boats head out to sea:

This image wasn't a "keeper" but I thought you might be interested to see the flamboyant colors. I didn't do anything to enhance this. No punched up saturation, nothing. Wild!  

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