Fields of Beauty
Fields and roadsides in the White Mountains of New Hampshire are dotted with color this time of year as the lupines are in bloom. Some spots boast literally thousands of plants. Stunning!
I made the image above in one of my favorite fields a few evenings back. After the sun goes down, it's prime shooting time: the light is flat, and with the camera on the tripod, it's possible to work for quite a while before it becomes too dark. In this field, the plants are so close together and prolific that it actually can be a challenge to compose a shot!
One of the nice things about this location is the fact that there is a fairly steep grade. If you compose the shot so you're facing uphill, it's possible to get a wonderful wash of color filling the background. In spite of the fact that both the black flies and mosquitoes were out in force and seemingly unbothered by the bug spray I continually reapplied, it was a most enjoyable night.
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