I cringe when I walk into stores and see Christmas displays well before Halloween.
Whatever happened to Thanksgiving?
For that matter, what about Labor Day? "Holiday Creep" hit a new low for me this year when I saw the first Christmas display
at the end of August.
When I was a kid, Christmas items didn't come out until the day after Thanksgiving. (And - as I recall with fondness - that day was NOT referred to as "Black Friday.")
That said, planning ahead is in my genes. My mother used to keep her eyes open for gift ideas throughout the year. Having had first-hand experience with the Depression, she learned to be thrifty at an early age and carried this skill with her throughout her life. By picking things up here and there when she would find a sale, not only did she always have her Christmas shopping completed early, but she was also able to keep to a strict budget.
She'd tuck the items away so they wouldn't be discovered, then pull them out for gift wrapping at the appropriate time. I remember the occasional mishap: she'd hidden her "finds" so expertly she had trouble remembering where she'd put them! :)
Like my mother, I tend to keep birthdays and Christmas in the back of my head, regardless of what the calendar says.
In that spirit, rather than attempting to rush the season, if you're like me and like to plan in advance, you might be interested in perusing some of our collections for unique gift ideas some of the folks on your holiday shopping list. Grandkids? New addition to the family? A couple who was recently married? Friends who have moved? We've got those covered. And more!
Click on the links below to check out some of our gifts.
Personalized Christmas Gifts for Children
Personalized Christmas Gifts for Newborns
Personalized Christmas Gifts for Newly Married Couples
Personalized Christmas Gifts for those who've recently moved into a New Home
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call (208-269-7279) or drop us an